Thursday, October 17, 2013

Cramped, Creating, & Confused

Cramped, Creating, & Confused

Being confused is the worst thing ever, but being confused over a boy is more confusing than a easter egg still lost during Christmas. I've liked Hart for a while now and finally he likes me back, but of course there's other girls invald too (two other's). I'm not the only girl he likes, not that surpsing, but still, he wants to just go around flirting with all of and then not date any of us in the end. That's not gonna happen, I want a relationship with him, not just a flirtying buddy. And to top it all off, his best friend likes me too. Which I think is a little bit weird consdering that one: he dated my best friend last year and two: he hated me last year. I've also learned not to wear shirts that may show just a little bit of boobs because boys will think that "hey since you're wearing that, you'll send me a picture." umm no.
Mother Nature is the worst, cramps hurt, and the only thing that ever helps is: chocolate. It feels so good as you're eating it, but it feels like all you want for a week stright is chocolate and nothing else. Then after that week is over you feel like all you should do is exersice for eating so much chocolate from the week before, but let's be honest I never do.

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